
戴德英治疗妇科痛证的经验 被引量:2

Professor DAI De-ying's Clinical Experience on Gynecological Pain Syndrome
摘要 戴德英教授长期致力于中医妇科医疗、教学、科研工作,潜心于妇科疾病的研究,其学术思想自成体系,她治学严谨,临床经验丰富,擅长使用活血化瘀法和补肾调肝法治疗妇科疾病。根据辨证与辨病施治相结合的原则,提出了子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症)的病因病机为"瘀热互结",并创立清热活血化瘀止痛之红藤方,经过30多年的临床应用及研究,在治疗内异症引发的痛经方面取得很好的疗效,总有效率达90%以上。戴师认为"不通则痛"是妇科痛证的基本病机,"通则不痛"是治疗妇科痛证的基本原则。以红藤方加减治疗瘀热互结型妇科痛证,异病同治,同样取得显著疗效。 Professor DAI De-ying has long been engaged in gynecological medicine,teaching and research of Traditional Chinese Medicine.With great concentration on gynecologic research,her academic thoughts constitute their own systems.Professor Dai is a meticulous scholar with abundant clinical experience and good at treating gynecological disease by using principles of activating blood and dissolving stasis and,invigorating the kidney and regulating the liver.According to the principle of combination of disease diagnosis and syndrome differentiation,she presented that the mechanism of endometriosis is the combination of blood stasis and heat,and invented Hongteng formula,having the function of clearing away heat and activating blood;dissolving stasis and relieving pain.After more than 30 years' clinical practice and research,Hongteng formula has gotten a very good curative effect on dysmenorrhea caused by endometriosis,which total effect rate is more than 90%.Professor Dai thinks obstruction causing pain is the basic mechanism of gynecological pain syndrome,and passing channel bringing no pain is the basic therapeutic principle to deal with gynecological pain syndrome.Hongteng formula has the same curative effect on gynecological disease which syndrome differentiation is combination of blood stasis and heat,and there is an example for illustration.
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2012年第5期1006-1008,共3页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 上海市重点学科建设资助项目(S30303) 浦东新区戴德英名中医工作室资助项目(PWZs2008)
关键词 妇科痛证 中医药疗法 红藤方 临床经验 戴德英 gynecological pain syndrome treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hongteng formula clinical experience DAI De-ying
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