运用Shannon Wiener物种多样性指数、Simpson生态优势度指标以及边缘效应强度指数 ,对龙栖山森林群落林窗的边缘效应现象进行了研究。 2 7个林窗样地不同部位上述指标的测定表明 ,用物种多样性指数测定的林窗边缘效应强度值为 0 6~ 2 5左右 ;而用生态优势度值测定的林窗边缘效应强度值为 0 4~ 1 3左右。研究表明林窗边缘区由于边缘效应的作用有增大物种多样性的趋势 。
The characters of gap edge effect of the forest communities are studied in Longxi Mountain, Fujian Province. The species diversity and ecological dominance as well as the index of the edge effect of 27 forest gaps which in different stands and different developing periods are measured by means of using Shannon\|wiener index, Simpson index and the index of the edge effect. The results show that based on the measurement of the species diversity, the index of the gap edge effect in subtropical forest communities of Longxi Mountain is about 0.6~2.5, and on the basis of the ecological dominance index, the former result is about 0.4~1.3. The edge effect in gap edge areas have the trends to increase the species diversity of forest communities. This study can provide theoretical basis for maintenance of species diversity and forest management.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
福建省自然科学基金!资助项目 (F991)