
政府支持企业研发的资源配置与政策目标 被引量:3

Resources Allocation and Policy Objectives of Public-supported Enterprise R&D
摘要 随着产学研传统边界日益模糊,各国财政用于支持企业技术创新活动的预算不断提高。首先分析了中国研发资源配置状况及创新主体之间的创新联系;进而从创新主体、创新阶段角度对强化公私伙伴关系的主要途径进行理论探讨;最后建议政府结合支持企业研发的政策目标来组合使用资源配置的相关政策工具和措施。 With the blurring of the traditional boundary of ITR, the national public finance budgets in various countries which are used to support the industry and technological innovation activities are increasing. The paper analyzes the innovation relationship between the distribution conditions of R&D resources and the innovation subjects, discusses the ways to strengthen the innovative public-private partnerships from the angle of innovation subjects and innovation phases. This paper suggestes to use relevant policy tools and measures jointly considering the goals of the government's policies to support enterprise R&D.
作者 万劲波
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期10-15,共6页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家软科学研究计划重点项目(2010GXS3K072)
关键词 企业研发 公私伙伴关系 资源配置 政策目标 Enterprise R&D Public-private partnership Resources allocation Policy objectives
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