对两个马铃薯二倍体分离世代群体ED和CE共 14 0个基因型进行青枯病人工接种鉴定 ,并以此为作图群体 ,综合RAPD、SSR、AFLP 3种标记技术 ,利用BSA分析方法对抗性基因进行分子标记筛选和定位。筛选到与抗病感病性状相连锁的 3个RAPD标记OPG0 5 94 0 、OPR1180 0 和OPO13770 ;筛选到一个SSR标记STM0 0 32 ,被定位于染色体XII上 ;检测到 7个AFLP多态性带 ,初步认为其与抗病性相关 ,并为已有图谱上的共性AFLP标记。这些标记可用于马铃薯分子育种。
For the sake of applying the resistance genes to Bacterial Wilt( Ralstonia solanacearum ),from Solanum phureja and S.vernei, evaluation of wilt symptoms in the F 1 and BC 1 clones derived from crosses between the susceptible diploid parents C,D and resistant parent E,was conducted strictly.The same materials including 140 genotypes were employed as map population for RAPD,SSR and AFLP molecular tagging with the method of Bulked Segregation Analysis(BSA).Three RAPD markers(OPG05 940 ,OPR11 800 and OPO13 770 )and a SSR marker STM0032 were identified to be linked with the resistance genes or the reciprocal loci.The STM0032 marker was located on chromosome XII.Seven polymorphism bands were tentatively considered as common AFLP markers which associated with resistance and were mapped on a map constructed by other labs.These markers can be used in molecular assisted breeding of potato properly.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica