中国文明起源和形成的途径,从居处形态上说,是由村落到都邑,中国传统的早期国家是植根于农业经济基础之上的农业文明;从组织形态上说,是由部落到国家,陶寺遗址是中国国家文明形成的重要物化表征;从观念形态的发展上说,是由祭祀到礼制,实际上礼制就是中国古代的国家宗教,祭祀制度与政治制度互为一体是其根本特点。中国古代礼制传统定型于三代之际,但是追根溯源,还应与辽西地区的兴隆洼文化和红山诸文化有着一定的内在渊源关系。距今8 000年以前,较早地出现于辽西一带的北方旱地粟作农业、环壕聚落和早期礼制因素之于中国国家文明的起源,具有重要的文化发生学意义。
Looking from the residence, the origin of Chinese civilization and the formation channels are from the village to Du yi, and the traditional early state is rooted in the agricultural economy on the basis of ag- ricultural civilization. From morphology, it is from tribal to national level. The Relics of Tao Temple is the physicochemical characterization of China national civilization. From the development of the ideology that is from the sacrificial to ritual, the state religion of the ancient Chinese is actually what we usually re- fer to the ritual system. The basic features are that the sacrificial system and the political system integrate into each other. Traditional stereotypes are formed on the occasion of the three generations of Chinese ancient rites, tracing back to the Xinglongwa culture and Hongshan Culture in western Liaoning Province as the representative of the ancient ceremony with an intrinsic history and relationship. Dating back 8,000 years ago, the northern dryland millet agriculture in the western Liaoning Province in early times, ring trench settlement and early ritual system factors are of the important cultural significance in the national origin of civilization.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
origin of Chinese civilization western Liaoning cultural area case observation