
孟子和施韦泽:具体人性的伦理学 被引量:1

Mengzi′s and Schweitzer′s Ethics of Concrete Humanity
摘要 孟子是具体人性和实践伦理学的发现者和创始人,他是第一位真正将伦理的普遍视野和人道观念与人具体、实际的需要相结合的伟大思想家,这种结合正是施韦泽非常强调的。在全球化时代,需要发现一种新的途径来扩展应用伦理学的方法,以强调新的世界范围的功能毗邻、相互依赖和相互作用。从伦理上来说,全球化引发的剧烈变化呼唤一场发生在我们伦理思想领域以及伦理实践和人道主义实践中的革命。 Mengzi is the first great thinker to really combine the universal scope of the ethical and the idea of humanity with the need to be concrete and practical in one's thought norms and actions. Thus, he is the discoverer and father of concrete humanity and the ethics of practical humanity, the combination which Schweitzer himself particularly emphasized. In the age of all - encompassing globalization, we certainly need to find a new way to extend applied ethical approaches which highlight the new worldwide functional adjacency, interdependencies and interactions. Ethically speaking, this drastically changed situation on our finite planet Earth really "calls for a revolution in our ethical in our ethical and humanitarian practice.
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期1-5,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
关键词 具体人性 实践伦理学 人道主义实践 concrete humanity ethics of practical humanity humanitarian practice thinking" and
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