针对现有Xen虚拟机性能监视工具的不足,设计了一个专用的Xen虚拟机CPU性能监视工具XCPUMon(Xen CPU Moni-tor),对Xen虚拟机上的CPU的各项性能参数都进行监测和记录,包括物理CPU和虚拟CPU。该文简要介绍了XCPUMon的组成,详细分析了CPU利用率评估算法。实验结果表明:XCPUMon能准确、全面的获取各个Domain的CPU信息。
Since the shortage of the CPU monitoring tools for Xen-based environment, a specialized CPU monitoring tool named XCPU- Mon is proposed. It provides monitoring information referring to CPU, including both Physical CPU (PCPU) and Virual CPU (VCPU), such as the utilization of CPU, blocked time of CPU as well as waiting time o~ CPU. This paper describes the algorithm of estimating CPU utilization rate in details. The result of the experiment shows that XCPUMon can provide detailed and accurate CPU information.
Ship Electronic Engineering