
钢筋混凝土深梁非线性拉压杆模型分析方法 被引量:2

Nonlinear Strut-and-Tie Model Method for Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams
摘要 探讨了钢筋混凝土深梁的非线性拉压杆模型分析方法。在钢筋混凝土深梁拉压杆模型节点静力平衡条件的基础之上,引入节点位移协调条件以及杆件材料的非线性特性,提出了钢筋混凝土深梁基于位移协调的非线性拉压杆模型分析方法。利用此方法可预测钢筋混凝土深梁在不同受荷阶段的力学行为,从而为进一步完善深梁按两个极限状态的设计方法提供了简单实用的分析手段。 Nonlinear Strut-and-Tie Models(STM) for the analysis of reinforced concrete deep beams are tentatively discussed.Specifically,A nonlinear STM method for reinforced concrete deep beams is proposed on the basis of force equilibrium conditions of the nodes of the STM for reinforced concrete deep beams by introducing displacement compatibility conditions of the nodes of STM.This method can be used to predict the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete deep beams in different loading stages and provide a simple and practical tool for improving two limit state design methods for deep beams.
作者 陈冲 林波
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2012年第2期32-38,共7页 Structural Engineers
关键词 钢筋混凝土深梁 非线性拉压杆模型 有限元分析 reinforced deep beam nonlinear strut-and-tie model finite element analysis
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