
2011年新加坡大选中工人党的竞选策略探析 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Campaign Strategies of Worker's Party in the Singapore General Election 2011
摘要 在2011年国会大选中,新加坡工人党在保住后港单选区的基础上,在阿裕尼集选区击败外交部长杨荣文率领的人民行动党团队,共取得了6个议席。这是自新加坡1988年集选区制度实行以来,反对党第一次战胜人民行动党拿下集选区,也是1966年以来反对党取得议席最多的一次大选。这届大选被认为是新加坡的政治分水岭。工人党之所以能取得如此战绩,是由于它采取了正确的竞选策略:工人党整合人才资源,物色到了可媲美人民行动党的候选人;抓住转战时机,刘程强适时走出后港;提出了"第一世界国会""副司机"等全国性课题;不为反对而反对,打造理智的建设性反对党形象;挟上届大选余威,综合考量历史、地理因素;准确把握竞选过程中的细节。 In the general election 2011, the Worker' s Party of Singapore won six seats on the basis of keeping Hougang Single Member Constituency and defeated the People' s Action Party group which was led by the foreign minister George Yong in Aljunied Group Representation Constituency. This was not only the first time that the oppositions had beat- en the People's Action Party and taken a group representation constituency since the GRC system came into effect in 1988, but also the very general election that the opposition had obtained the most seats since 1966. This general election was considered as a political watershed of Singapore. The reason why the Worker' s Party could get this perfect ending is because it took the excellent campaign strategies for the election: it reorganized the human resource and looked for the ones that could compare favourably with the People' s Action Party candidates, Low Thia Khiang caught the very moment, went out of Hougang properly and proposed some national issues such as "the first-class parliament" ,"co-driver", it did not oppose all the policies proposed by the ruling party , created the rational and constructive image of the opposition, took full advantage of the remaining prestige of last general election, considered the historical and geographical factors comprehensively and accurately grasped the details during the election process.
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2012年第2期37-44,共8页 Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词 新加坡 2011年大选 人民行动党 工人党 刘程强 竞选策略 Singapore, the general election 2011, the People' s Action Party, the Worker' s Party, Low Thia Khiang,campaign strategies
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