

The Expected Position of China in WTO Multilateral Investment Negotiations in Terms of the BITs Practice
摘要 双边协定缔结和实施实践中所暴露出的大量问题昭示依靠双边协定的办法无法对日益复杂多变的国际投资关系进行统一和规范的调整,国际投资关系必将进入由多边投资协定统一调整的新阶段,而WTO因为其在成员数量、组织机构和争端解决方面的显著优势成为谈判缔结多边投资协定的最佳平台。本文拟着力分析在WTO平台上进行多边投资协定谈判时,中国应该如何结合本国的国情、维护自身和广大发展中国家的利益,推动国际经济新秩序的建立。 Many problems have appeared in bilateral agreement and practice, which implies that this practice alone cannot cope with the situations of the complex international investment relations. International investment is entering into a new era in which unified agreement is established by multilateral investment. WTO becomes the best platform for fhe establishment of multilateral investment agreement because of its advantages in the number of members, organization, and the ability to settle disputes. This article, based on the analysis of the WTO platform in terms of multilateral talks, gives suggestions on how China will promote the establishment of new international order while taking into consideration its national conditions and the maintenance of the interests of itself and other developing countries.
作者 吴岚
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2012年第6期80-83,共4页 Academic Exploration
关键词 投资 BITS WTO investment BIT WTO
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