
未成年人民事行为能力制度比较研究——兼论我国法上相关制度的改革与完善 被引量:2

Comparative Studies on the Capacity for Civil Conduct of Infant——More Discussions on the Construction and Improvement of Our Country's Relevant Legislation
摘要 未成年人民事行为能力制度是民法行为能力制度的主要组成部分,也是未成年人私法地位的重要表征。探讨未成年人的行为能力,主要是研究不同模式下的行为能力制度的构造对于未成年人实施的法律行为之效力具有何种影响。我国现行法上的未成年人行为能力制度基本上延续了三级制模式的作法,存在着严重的立法体系性矛盾、缺乏缓和行为能力之僵硬适用的具体条件等缺陷。在中国民法典制定的过程中应当增加"零用钱条款"、"营业条款"、"日常生活行为条款"等具体的缓和条款,来弹性化地处理和对待未成年人所实施的法律行为之效力。另外,将无行为能力人的行为效力改造为相对无效,即可缓和绝对无效之规定的严格性,也可限制国家在私法领域内的过多作为。 The capacity for civil conduct of Infant is the major composition of the capacity for civil conduct, it as well as is the important index of Infant's civil status. The reason why we should study the capacity for civil conduct of Infant, which is because we can realize and reveal different legal frameworks of the capacity for civil conduct, would exert what kind of legal influence on the civil conduct by the minors. At present, in order to improve the Infant~ civil status, both the continental legal system and the common law system have reformed the previous outdated regulations, and the idea of "positive protection" on the Infant~ legal aegis have been received widely recognition in the worldwide. The legal system of capacity for civil conduct of Infant in China should be reform and refine during the legislation of China' s Civil Code, for it have several severe problems, such as it exist the inconsistency of different laws on the same issue, the shortage of concrete mitigation measures, and so on.
作者 郑晓剑
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2012年第3期71-80,共10页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 未成年人 民事行为能力 缓和 重构 Infant the capacity for civil conduct mitigate reconstruction
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