
重大灾害情境下感知风险对消费者信心的影响研究 被引量:8

The Impacts of Perceived Risk on Consumer Confidence in Disastrous Situations
摘要 以汶川地震的调研数据为基础,构建了重大灾害情境下的感知风险与消费者信心关系的理论模型。分析发现消费者信心各维度之间蕴含的相互关联,即重建和房地产发展信心对经济发展信心起显著正向影响,经济发展信心对生活质量信心具有正向影响。同时,发现地震感知风险对消费者信心、对经济发展信心具有直接负向影响,对重建和房地产发展信心没有产生显著影响,对生活质量信心的负向影响是通过经济发展信心间接实现的。 Based on the survey data from Wenchuan earthquake, this paper performs a theoretical model of the relationship between earthquake perceived risk and consumer confidence in disastrous situations. The study reveals the linkages among the dimensions of consumer confidence. Confidence of reconstruction and economic development produces a significant positive effect on confidence of reconstruction and real estate development, and confidence of economic development plays a significant effect on confidence of life quality positively. It was found that earthquake perceived risk had a direct negative impact on one dimension of consumer confidence, namely, confidence of economic development, but does not produce significant effect on confidence of reconstruction and real estate development. It has an indirect negative effect on confidence of life quality via confidence of economic development.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期900-907,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重大项目(71090402) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(SWJTU12CX116)
关键词 汶川地震 感知风险 风险信息 消费者信心 Wenchuan earthquake perceived risk risk information consumer confidence
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