Passage 1 Maritime Explorer for the Crown of Castile It may be said, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but he never knew what land he’d come to." Born in the Italian port of Genoa in 1451, Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator, who claimed to have gone to the sea at the age of 10.
Passage 1
Maritime Explorer for the Crown of Castile
It may be said, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but he never knew what land he'd come to." Born in the Italian port of Genoa in 1451, Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator, who claimed to have gone to the sea at the age of 10. In Columbus's time, it was still hotly debated as to whether the Earth was flat or spherical, but Columbus strongly believed the latter theory. He dreamed of finding an easier trade route to the East Indies by sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean instead of the long and dangerous route around the southern tip of Africa.
College English