
国际合作抑或金融监管——以胡佛与斯特朗对欧洲经济重建分歧为中心 被引量:1

International cooperation or financial supervision——research on discrepancy of European reconstruction between Hoover and Strong
摘要 作为1920年代美国经济外交的重要制订者和参与者,胡佛和斯特朗都支持美欧经济合作,并鼓励美国民间私人力量参与一战后欧洲的重建,但面对美国对外贷款及其带来的国内投机,二人的分歧也日益突出。胡佛和斯特朗之间分歧反映了他们在欧洲重建方面不同的利益诉求,其背后则是美国不同利益集团的矛盾和冲突。而这种分歧和冲突导致了美国国内的对外经济决策权力分散和碎化,缺乏有力的决策核心,使美国的对欧政策缺乏一致性和连续性,并自相矛盾。 As important American policy makers about economic diplomacy,Hoover and Strong both advocated cooperation between Europe and America and encouraged non-governmental organizations to join European reconstruction after the First World War.American external credit and national speculation fever being a problem to the country,however,the discrepancy between Hoover and Strong became increasingly conspicuous.At the back of the discrepancy between them lied the conflict among various interest groups in America embodying their different attitudes and interests,which brought about distraction of national power,lack of powerful policy center,making American policy of Europe lack of consistence,coherence and contradiction.
作者 徐振伟
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期88-94,共7页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(编号为11YJCGJW020)的阶段性成果
关键词 胡佛 斯特朗 美国 欧洲经济重建 Hoover Strong America European reconstruction
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  • 1Lester Chandler, Benjamin Strong: Central Banker, The Brookings Institution, 1958, p. 428.
  • 2Lester Chandler, Benjamin Strong: Central Banker, The Brookings Institution, 1958, p. 268.
  • 3Herbert Hoover, the Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: the Great Depression, 1929 - 1941, Hollis and Carter, 1953, p. 420.
  • 4Joseph Brandes, Herbert Hoover and Economic Di- plomacy, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1962, p. 208.
  • 5Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Pow- ers, Harper Collins Publishers, 1959, p. 306.
  • 6沃尔特·拉菲伯等著,黄磷译.《美国世纪:一个超级大国的崛起与兴盛》,海南出版社2008年版,第130-131页.
  • 7Susan Strange, States and Markets, Pinter Publish- ers, 1988,p. 101.
  • 8Ellis Hawley, Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Com- merce : Studies in New Era Thought and Practice, Universi- ty of Iowa Press, 1981 ,p. 161.
  • 9Joan Wilson,Herbert Hoover : Forgotten Progressive, Little, Brown and Company, 1975, p. 281.
  • 10Silvano Wueschner, Charting Twentieth - Century Monetary Policy, Greenwood Press, 1999, p. 81, 119,161,135.









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