

New Development of Space Policy of the European Union and the Prospect of European Space Policy
摘要 现行的欧洲空间政策包括欧洲国家的空间政策、ESA框架下的政府间空间政策及欧盟共同外交与安全政策下的空间政策三个层次。随着欧盟与ESA的协调,欧洲空间政策的主导者正逐步从ESA向欧盟发展,多层次的欧洲空间政策正逐步向统一的欧洲空间政策发展。但是,由于欧盟、ESA和成员国之间空间政策的协调机制尚未有效形成,且现行欧洲空间政策对于空间国际合作也缺乏有序的协调机制,因此,统一欧洲空间政策仍需努力。 The existing European space policy includes the space policy of the European countries, the inter-governmental space policy under ESA framwork and the space policy under the common diplomatic and security policy of the EU. With the harmonization of the EU and the ESA, the leader of the European space policy is being transferred from the ESA to the EU. The multilateral levels of the European space policy is developing toward a unified European space policy. But because the coordination mechanism on space policy between the EU, the ESA and their member states hasn't been established, and the existing European space policy does not have the coordination mechanism on international cooperation, therefor, efforts are still needed for a unified European space policy.
作者 李寿平
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期28-33,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
基金 国家社科基金一般资助项目(09BFX090)
关键词 欧洲空间政策 欧盟空间政策 欧盟共同外交 欧盟安全政策 政府间空间政策 European space policy space policy of the EU EU common diplomatic EU security policy inter-governmental space policy
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