对太湖产、天津产两个大银鱼生态群生物学特性比较结果 :可数可量性状指标差异很小 ,属于同一品种 ;具有相似的生长规律 ,但太湖生态群的生长性能要优于天津生态群 ;从繁殖力指标分析 ,太湖生态群的繁殖力高于天津生态群 ;两种大银鱼生态种群具有相似的食性特征。
The comparative study on the biological characters in both synusiums of Protoslanx hyaloeranius(in Taihu and in Tianjin)was conducted.The resules showed that there was a similar growth law and very little difference in the numerable and quantitative indexes of both synusiums classified same variety;the growth character of Taihu synusium was beteer than that of Tianjin synusium and the fertility of Taihu synusium was higher than that of Tianjin synusium;there was a similar food habit in both synusiums of Protoslanx hyaloeranius.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences