目的探讨64层螺旋CT后处理技术(MPR、VR、SSD)对隐匿性骨折的诊断价值。方法对60例普通X线平片结果阴性,而临床高度怀疑骨折的急诊外伤患者进行64层螺旋CT容积扫描,通过后处理工作站进行MPR、VR、SSD图像处理,评价各种后处理方法对隐匿性骨折的显示能力。结果 60例患者通过后处理技术显示,最终均确诊为隐匿性骨折,其中环枢关节15例,膝关节8例,肩关节7例,足跗骨6例,肋骨5例,腕关节3例,踝关节4例,肘关节3例,骶尾骨2例,颞颌关节2例,颈椎棘突、胸肋关节,下颌骨,甲状软骨、舌骨各1例,CT横断轴位、MPR、VR、SSD诊断骨折阳性率分别为86.7%(52/60),100%(60/60,75%(45/60),68.3%(41/60)。结论 64层螺旋CT横断位结合后处理技术,尤其MPR技术是诊断隐匿性骨折的有效检查手段。
Objective To study the value of imaging post processing technique(MPR,VR,SSD) of 64-slice helical CT in the diagnosis of the Occult Fracture.Method Sixty cases of the emergency patients which showed negative results in ordinary X-ray but suspected fracture in clinical were performed on 64-slice helical CT scanning.All of these imagings were dealed with post-processed such as MPR,VR,SSD image processing in the workstation in order to evalute the demonstrating capability of various post-processing techniques in Occult Fracture.Results Sixty patients through the post-processing technology diagnosed as Occult fractures at last,among them 15 cases were ring joint axis fracture,8 cases were knee fracture,7 cases were shoulder fracture,6 cases were foot tarsal bones fracture,5 cases were ribs,3 cases were wrist joint,4 cases were ankle,3 cases were elbow,2 cases were Sacral occyx,2 cases were Temporal jaws joint,and cervical spinous,chest rib joint,jaw,thyroid cartilage and tongue bone 1 case.The postive diagnostic rate of the postprocessing techniques(cross-sectional CT scan,MPR,VR,SSD) were 86.7%(52/60),100%(60/60),75%(45/60),68.3%(41/60),respectively.Conclusion 64-slice helical CT combining with the post-processing technology,especially the MPR technology would be a effective way in diagnosing occult fracture.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
昆山市第一人民医院 2010年度新技术立项(编号:2010--20)