
构建大规模的汉语事件知识库 被引量:2

Building a Large-scale Chinese Event Knowledge Base
摘要 该文提出了一种静态知识库和动态标注库相结合的汉语事件知识库构建方法。在统一的设计框架下,将相关事件知识拆分成五个相对独立的知识子库,并通过各子库之间的内在联系使之互相参照互为补充。经过有效拆分和信息联动,增强信息的丰富性和可靠性,同时细化工作的粒度,具有较好的可操作性。以此为基础,开发完成一个汉语"存在拥有类"事件知识库,其中静态知识库覆盖72个情境和1 548个词语义项,动态标注库包含598个事件目标动词的10万句标注结果,取得了较好的实验效果。 This paper proposes a solution to the construction of a large-scale Chinese event knowledge base.The static knowledge bases and dynamic annotated corpus are integrated to describe complete event content.In a unified framework,5 different sub-databases are partitioned and developed independently.They can be combined as whole event knowledge base through the build-in Key wordsamong them designed in advance.A demonstration knowledge base to describe Chinese existence and ownership events were built under this framework.Its static knowledge base covers 72 situations and 1548 word senses,and the dynamic annotated corpus contains 100,000 event chunk annotated sentences for 598 event target verbs.The experimental results prove the feasibility of the proposed method.
出处 《中文信息学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期86-91,103,共7页 Journal of Chinese Information Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60873173) 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2007AA01Z173) Tsinghua-Intel合作研究项目
关键词 事件内容分析 事件语义标注资源 汉语事件知识库 event analysis event annotation event knowledge base
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