

The balance principle in scientific research
摘要 在试验设计的四原则中,均衡原则与随机、对照和重复原则是密切相关的,而且均衡原则是核心,它贯穿于随机、对照和重复原则之中,相辅相成,相得益彰。然而,在试验设计中,均衡原则是最易被人们忽视的,同时又是最重要的。很多试验设计方案,若在均衡性方面做得不到位,其研究结论就最容易被推翻,从而导致整个试验的失败。因而正确把握试验设计的均衡原则是至关重要的。本文着重介绍均衡原则的概念和作用,提高均衡性的策略及具体措施,并针对科研中违犯均衡原则的常见错误进行辨析与释疑。 The principles of balance, randomization, control and repetition, which are closely related, constitute the four principles of scientific research. The balance principle is the kernel of the four principles which runs through the other three. However, in scientific research, the balance principle is always overlooked. If the balance principle is not well performed, the research conclusion is easy to be denied, which may lead to the failure of the whole research. Therefore, it is essential to have a good command of the balance principle in scientific research. This article stresses the definition and function of the balance principle, the strategies and detailed measures to improve balance in scientific research, and the analysis of the common mistakes involving the use of the balance principle in scientific research.
出处 《中西医结合学报》 CAS 2012年第5期504-507,共4页 Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine
基金 国家科技重大专项"重大新药创制"资助项目(No.2009ZX09502-028)
关键词 统计学 医学 研究设计 均衡原则 statistics, medical research design balance principle
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