本文研究分析了高压处理后的牛羊肌肉的显微组织变化 ,经对压力为 70 0 0 atm,施压介质温度为室温 ,施压持续时间为 2 0 min的处理样品和相应的对照组分别进行了透射电子显微镜观察分析其肌原纤维的显微组织变化。发现高压处理后的牛肉肌节收缩率达 34 .8%羊肉收缩率达 33.3%。同时发现肌原纤维的 I带 ,M线和 Z线处发生明显改变 ,说明这些部位的组成蛋白成分出现胶凝化改变。这一研究结果对于进一步研究高压技术对于肉类的嫩化作用具有很大意义。
The variaton of micrographical structures of myofibrils of bovine and mutton muscle treated with hydrostatic high-pressure precessing was studied.Under the conditio of pressure level 7000atm,duralion time 20 min an room temperature,samples had much different micrographical structures of myofibrils compared with contral groups by using Transmissin electron micrograph.The contraction rate of bovine sarcomere was 34.8%,the rate for the mutton sarcomere was 33.3%.Meanwhile,the I band,M line and Z line of myofibrils were variated remarkably,which indicaled that the proteins locted in those area had been coagulated under high pressure.These results showed that hydrostatie high-pressure technology could be applied to tenderigation of muscle meat.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金! (2 98660 0 3)