
城市森林景观逆破碎化生态阈值初探——以沈阳市三环以内区域为研究对象 被引量:1

Study on ecological thresholds of the landscape defragmentation
摘要 基于Quick Bird卫星影像和地理信息系统,以ArcGIS 9.3和Fragstats 3.3为技术支撑,对不同建筑密度下的城市森林景观逆破碎化趋势下景观指数和植物群落特征变化进行分析,并对景观进行近自然度评价,进而找出达到近自然林属性的最低景观逆破碎化程度,即景观逆破碎化阈值。 Based on Quick Bird satellite imagery and geographic information systems, ArcGIS9.3 and Fragstats3.3 technical support, the landscape indices and community characteristics change in the trend of urban forest landscape in a different building density within the 3rd ring road of Shenyang City under reverse fragmentation, and landscape near nature of evaluation were analyzed. Then the lowest near natural forest property landscape inverse fragmentation (landscape inverse fragmentation threshold) was found.
作者 李娜 刘常富
出处 《中国园艺文摘》 2012年第5期69-71,共3页 Chinese Horticulture Abstracts
关键词 城市森林 景观逆破碎化 生态阈值 沈阳 Urban forest Inverse of landscape fragmentation Ecological threshold Shenyang City
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