BACKGROUND:Vascular endothelial cells can promote osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs) and provide nutritional support for growth and proliferation of BMSCs.OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of human umbilical vein vascular endothelial cells(hUVECs) in a co-culture system on morphology,growth and differentiation of human BMSCs,and Bmi-1 gene expression in cells.METHODS:Based on the co-culture system of cells,a simple culture group(hBMSCs group) and a combined culture group(BMSCs + hUVECs group) were established.On days 4,6,8,10,cell morphology was observed and cells were counted for drawing cell growth curves;in addition,Bmi-1 gene expression in cells was detected in each group using real-time quantitative fluorescent PCR.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:At each time point,compared with hBMSCs group,cells exhibited multiple morphological changes,some cells connected together in the latter stage,and osteogenic differentiation was more obvious in the BMSCs + hUVECs group.At each time point,cell number and Bmi-1 expression in the BMSCs + hUVECs group were significantly greater than in the BMSCs group.The BMSCs + hUVECs group showed a better compatibility compared with the hBMSCs group.These findings suggest that hUVECs promote the proliferation of hBMSCs in the co-culture system,and increase Bmi-1 expression in hBMSCs,thereby affecting aging and proliferative capacity of hBMSCs.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research