
卵巢组织玻璃化冷冻保存和移植的研究进展 被引量:5

Research progress on vitrification and transplantation of ovarian tissue
摘要 背景:卵巢组织玻璃化冷冻技术作为一种快速、简便、经济的冷冻方式被逐渐应用于卵巢组织的保存。目的:综述国内外关于卵巢组织玻璃化冷冻保存及移植的研究进展。方法:由第一作者检索1995/2011PubMed数据库及清华同方数据库有关卵巢组织玻璃化冷冻保存以及卵巢组织移植技术等方面的文献。结果与结论:玻璃化冷冻是一个超高速的冷冻过程,形成高黏度的"玻璃样凝固状态",可以避免由于冰晶形成所造成的细胞损伤。但至今玻璃化冷冻仍缺乏统一的标准化程序。影响卵巢组织玻璃化冷冻保存效果的主要因素有卵巢组织块的大小、冷冻保护剂的种类、渗透平衡的时间和温度、冷冻载体等。随着低温生物学的发展和卵巢组织冷冻保存效果的提高,卵巢组织的移植已经具备了一定的临床应用可行性。到目前为止,全世界已有一系列关于冻存卵巢组织移植后成功妊娠及分娩的报道,移植成功的关键在于减少缺血再灌注损伤和促进新生血管的形成。 BACKGROUND:As a rapid,simple and inexpensive freeze method,vitrification has gradually been applied to the preservation of ovarian tissues.OBJECTIVE:To review the domestic and foreign research progress on vitrification and transplantation of ovarian tissue.METHODS:The PubMed database and Tsinghua Tongfang database were used to retrieve the literatures about vitrification of ovarian tissue and transplantation technology of ovarian tissue from 1995 to 2011 by the first author.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Vitrification is an ultrarapid cooling process that can produce a glasslike solidification of cells by extreme elevation in viscosity.Cellular injury caused by ice crystals can be avoided.However,there was not uniform standardized protocol of vitrification.The main factors that can influence the effect of vitrification are the size of ovarian tissue,the kind of cryoprotectants,equilibration times and temperatures,carrier and so on.Ovarian tissue transplantation has the clinically feasible with advances of cryobiology development and the effective cryopreservation of ovarian tissue.It has been reported that a series of successful transplantations of cryopreserved ovarian tissue that resulted in a pregnancy and live birth in the world until now.The key of successful transplantation is to reduce ischemic reperfusion injury and promote neovascularization.
作者 覃颖 李慕军
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS CSCD 2012年第18期3411-3416,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
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