
江苏省新能源发展次序评价研究 被引量:3

Research on Evaluation of New Energy Development Sequence in Jiangsu
摘要 文章运用基于三角模糊数的层次分析法,构建江苏省新能源发展次序评价指标体系,对江苏省新能源发展次序进行研究,得出江苏省新能源发展的优先次序为:风能——核能——太阳能——生物质能。基于实证得出的结论,提出江苏省应优先发展风能,安全第一、积极高效发展核能,因地制宜发展太阳能光热和光电,合理布局生物质能发电、制气项目等政策建议。 Based on the analytic hierarchy process of triangular fuzzy numbers,this paper constructs evaluation index system to evaluate new energy development sequence in Jiangsu province.Through the empirical research,the paper finds the priori ty development order of new energy in Jiangsu province,which is wind-nuclear-solar-biomass.Finally,based on the empiri cal study,this paper suggests that it should develop the wind energy in priority and develop nuclear energy positively on safety and efficiency,epithermal and photoelectricity should be developed conditionally,and biomass power and gasification genera tion also should be developed under reasonable disposition.
作者 岳婷 龙如银
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2012年第7期14-17,共4页 East China Economic Management
基金 江苏省社会科学基金重点项目(09EYA001)
关键词 新能源 江苏省 次序评价 基于三角模糊数的层次分析法 new energy Jiangsu province sequence evaluation the analytic hierarchy process based on triangular fuzzy numbers
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