

Optimization for the Form Line of the Missile Dome on the Submarine
摘要 潜艇导弹包的外形对潜艇各种航行性能都有重要影响,各个国家对潜艇导弹包的外形设计都非常重视。本文以SUBOFF潜艇为母型,首先对导弹包进行参数化,基于CFD技术与iSIGHT优化平台,运用试验设计方法创建计算样本,然后引入响应面技术构造潜体总阻力与导弹包参变量之间的近似函数,并在此基础上采用现代优化算法,以总阻力最小为优化目标寻优,确定最优点设计参数,同时分析了阻力随各设计参数变化的规律。 The shape of the submarine missile dome have essential influence on the per- formance of the submarine, many countries take the design seriously. In this paper, a para- metric missile dome will be set on SUBOFF. Based on CFD and iSIGHT optimization plat- form, DOE(Design of experiment) is used to design the sample points for computation, and the technology of response surface model is integrated so as to build the approximating func- tion between the total drag of the submarine and the parameters of the missile dome. At last we used the modern optimization technology to find the parameters which make the drag least. In the end, how the parameters affect the drag is analyzed briefly.
出处 《造船技术》 2012年第2期13-17,共5页
关键词 试验设计 响应面 优化算法 DOE Response surface Optimization algorithm
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