我公司为提高造船生产效率及年造船吨位,于2008年初在制造部筹划引进了一条以生产76000t散货船货舱区平直分段为主的平面分段流水线,其设计的年生产能力为制造12 m×12 m的分段1969个/年。该流水线于2010年6月开始在工厂总装、调试并试生产至今。由于设备本身及各种因素影响,试生产过程中遇到如焊材选择、大拼板横向焊缝处理、十字、T字接头的焊接及裂纹的处理等焊接方面的问题。针对这些问题,技术部门及生产部门进行了分析、研究,并采取了相应的措施,使该平面分段流水线能够顺利地进行运作。
To raise production efficiency for shipbuilding and annual shipbuilding ton- nage, a production flow-line for flat blocks was planed and brought in by fabrication depart- ment in early 2008. This flow-line is mainly used for fabricating flat blocks in cargo holds for 76 000 dwt bulk carrier with its designed annual production capacity of 1969 blocks , each of 12rex 12m. And it has been assembled, tested and run a pilot production in the factory since June 2010. During the time, some problems in welding scope occurred in the process of pilot production, such as the selection of welding consumables, the treatment of transverse butt welds between large plates, cross butt welds, T-type butt welds, and welding cracks, which attributed to the equipments and the influence of all sorts of complications, and affected the flow-line from functioning normally. Aiming at these problems, technical department and pro- duction department carried out conscientious analysis and investigation, and took appropriate measures to enable this flow-line to operate successfully.
Flow-line for flat blocks Welding consumables Welding procedure qualifi-cation test