目的探讨轻度缺铁性贫血 (IDA)对 12~ 13岁初中新生学习和运动能力的影响。方法选择 12~ 13岁初中新生 ,血红蛋白 (Hb) <12 0 g/ L和 >12 0 g/ L的各 30人为实验组和对照组 ,每人每日实验组口服硫酸亚铁 30 0 mg,Vit C5 0 m g;对照组口服淀粉片 30 0 mg,Vit C 5 0 m g ,共 5 0天 ,测定两组用药前后 Hb、心率、学习能力和运动能力的变化 ,并进行显著性差异的比较。结果测定值表明 ,两组比较 ,用药前有显著性差异 ;用药后无显著性差异。结论尽管是轻度的 IDA,对 12~ 13岁初中生的学习和运动能力都有明显的影响。适当的饮食、补充铁剂和 Vit C可迅速纠正贫血 ,并使学习和运动能力恢复正常。
Objective To reseach into the influence of mild iron dificiency anemia (IDA) on learning and athletic abilities of early youth aged 12~13 years Methods To select 30 cases of hemoglobin (Hb)<120g/L as the experimental group (E) and 30 cases of Hb>120g/L as the control group (C) from new students aged 12~13 years The student of E received ferrous sulfate 300mg and Vit C 50mg per day for 50 days The student of C received starch taballa 300mg and Vit C 50mg per day for 50 days Before and after the experiment, Hb, heart rate, learning and athletic abilities were evaluated Results The data between two groups showed significant difference before the experiment and no difference after the experiment Conclusion It should be noted that mild IDA can influence the learning and athletic abilities of the students aged 12~13 years Adquate diet, iron and Vit C supplement can correct mild IDA rapidly and recover the learning and athletic abilities
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
Early youth Iron deficience anemia Learning ability Athletic ability