

The Impact of Trust and Dependence on Gray Marketing in Marketing Channels——On the Basis of Jones(1991)' Issue Contingent Model
摘要 在组织内个人的不道德行为归因研究由来已久。直到1980年后期为止,研究焦点都集中在个人因素与组织因素。但Jones(1991)主张个人对某种道德问题的道德强度感知会影响他的道德决策过程。考虑到东亚国家企业之间的交易中发生的所有行为,笔者却很难将其简单地分为"道德-不道德"或"合法-非法",所以文章借鉴了Zhuang和Tsang(2008)的"灰色营销"概念。另外,由于本研究关注营销渠道上的"灰色营销"行为,本研究初步预测营销渠道上的依赖和信任直接地和间接地影响到"灰色营销"行为意图。 The Research on the cause of individual unethical behavior in organizations has a long history.Individual factors and organizational factors have been believed to be the two main factors influencing individual unethical behavior in organizations.But Jones(1991) proposed that moral intensity of moral issue will affect the ethical decision making process.Provided that this study is interested in the behavior which could be likely to happen in business transactions between East Asian companies,it is very difficult to say certain behavior as 'ethical-unethical' or 'legal-illegal'.Therefore,this study used 'gray marketing' concept,which had developed by Zhuang and Tsang(2008).As this study is concerned with the gray marketing on the marketing channel,the current model makes the hypothesis that dependence and trust between marketing channel members directly and indirectly influence the 'gray marketing' intent.
作者 金容旼
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第4期77-82,共6页
关键词 信任 依赖 营销渠道 灰色营销 trust dependence marketing channel gray marketing
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