
美国对灾难救济捐赠发放的法律规制及其对我国的启示 被引量:1

American Legal Regulation on the Distribution of Disaster Relief Donation and Its Inspiration to China
摘要 为了确保灾难救济捐赠发放的公平与效率,美国立法明确了慈善机构必须遵循禁止利用慈善资产提供过度私人利益的原则,在对救济对象的经济及其他需要进行客观的评估之后,按照法定的程序向受难者提供其因生理及心理安全的基本需求所必需的商品和服务。在灾难救济目的实现后,慈善机构应本着充分尊重捐赠者意愿的原则来处理捐赠财产的剩余部分。美国的这些做法对我国具有相当的借鉴意义。 In order to promote the equality and efficiency of the distribution of disaster relief donation,American legislation regulates that when the disaster relief organization distributes the donation to qualified people,it should abide with the principle of the prohibition against using charitable assets to confer excessive private benefit,make objective assessment on the economic and other needs of the victim with specific standard and then provide the necessary commodities and services to satisfy the victim's basic physical and psychological needs with legal procedure.After realization of the purpose of disaster relief,the charity should handle the surplus of the donation according with the principle of fully respect of the donator's will.The above-mentioned regulations in America have significant inspiration to China.
作者 何新容
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第4期146-149,共4页
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"对我国赈灾捐助财产管理的信托法规制研究"的中期研究成果。(项目编号:10YJA820126)
关键词 灾难救济 慈善机构 救济对象 过度私人利益 disaster relief charity relief object excessive private benefit cy pres doctrine
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