Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
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1Wu MH, Gotway MB, Lee TJ, et al. Features of non-small cell lung car- cinomas overlooked at digital chest radiography. Clinical Radiolgy, 2008,63:518-528.
2Breathnach OS, Ishibe N, Williams J, et al. ClinicM features of patients with stage 3B and 4 bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung. Cancer, 1999,86 : 1165-1173.
3Nakajma R,Yokose T,Kakinuma R,et al. Localized pure ground glass opacity on high resolution CT:histologic characteristics. J Comput As- sist Tomogr,2002,26:323-329.
4叶晓丹,于红,肖湘生.肺癌早期诊断的研究进展[J].临床放射学杂志,2007,26(11):1155-1158. 被引量:5
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