
血浆中miR-144*直接扩增在大肠癌非侵入性诊断中的应用 被引量:1

Expression of microRNA-144* in plasma of patients with colorectal cancer:A potential non-invasive diagnostic marker for colorectal cancer screening
摘要 目的:研究miR-144*在大肠癌(CRC)、大肠腺瘤、炎症性肠病(IBD)及健康对照组的血浆标本中直接扩增后的表达量,初步探索其在大肠癌的发生、发展中的作用.方法:分别收集CRC、大肠腺瘤、IBD及全结肠镜检查阴性的健康人的血浆标本55例、30例、30例、30例,上述标本均取自患者未治疗前;分别收集CRC、大肠腺瘤患者行肿瘤切除术后7d的血浆标本43例、30例.利用TRIzol试剂进行上述标本中RNA的提取,得到纯化后的RNA样本,逆转录及实时荧光定量PCR反应检测miR-144*的表达,进行统计学分析.结果:在人大肠癌组血浆标本中,miR-144*较非大肠癌组中表达增高,miR-144*的表达量与肿瘤的大小及浸润深度相关,肿瘤越大,浸润深度越深,miR-144*表达量越高.在43例大肠癌患者术后7d的血浆标本中,30例行大肠癌根治术患者中27例miR-144*的表达量较术前降低,13例行大肠癌姑息性手术患者的血浆miR-144*的表达量较术前无明显差异.大肠腺瘤组中,进展期腺瘤和非进展期腺瘤在行腺瘤切除术前后miR-144*的表达量无明显变化.结论:血浆中miRNA-144*表达水平的检测,可作为大肠癌非侵入性诊断方法并可以预测大肠癌的复发. AIM: To compare the levels of miR-144* in plasma of patients with colorectal carcinoma (CRC), those with colorectal adenoma, and those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and to explore the role of miR-144* in the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer. METHODS: Plasma samples were collected from 55 patients with CRC, 30 patients with colorectal adenoma, 30 patients with IBD, and 30 normal volunteers. All these samples were taken from patients without pretreatment. In addition, postoperative plasma samples were collected from 43 patients with CRC and 30 patients with colorectal adenoma. Quantitative reverse transcription and realtime fluorescent quantitative PCR were performed to detect the expression of miR-144* in these plasma samples.
出处 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第12期1066-1070,共5页 World Chinese Journal of Digestology
关键词 结直肠肿瘤 miR-144* 血浆 大肠腺瘤 Colorectal cancer miR-144* Plasma Adenoma
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