目的 探讨国人体质量过重者(BMI>25)阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)与非OSAHS患者头颈部脂肪分布情况的差异对OSAHS的影响.方法 自2009年7月至2010年7月,对收治的47例主诉打鼾患者中部分身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)>25的病例,进行前瞻性研究.将患者分为OSAHS组(病例组)17例和非OSAHS组(对照组)30例.对两组患者均进行睡眠、呼吸监测诊断,应用CT行头颈部连续扫描及三维重建系统,分别测算咽腔三段(鼻咽、口咽、喉咽)及整段咽腔旁、颈部皮下脂肪体积;数据采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件处理.结果 两组采用t检验进行组间比较,其中口咽部、颈部皮下脂肪体积百分比差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);鼻咽部、喉咽部及整段咽腔旁脂肪的体积百分比差异无统计学意义(P >0.05).结论 在肥胖人群中,头颈部的脂肪分布异常与OSAHS有联系,口咽旁和颈部皮下脂肪分布增多会提高罹患OSAHS的风险,而咽腔其他部位的咽旁脂肪分布异常与OSAHS的发生无关.
Objective To discuss the effect of fat distribution difference of head and neck between OSAHS patients and non-OSAHS patients of Chinese overweight ( BMI 〉 25) on the OSAHS. Methods From July 2009 to July 2010, totally 47 patients with BMI 〉 25 selected from all the cases who suffered from snoring were processed perspective study. The patients were divided into OSAHS group (the case group, 17 cases) and the non-OSAHS group of (the control group, 30 cases). Two groups were monitored the sleep, respiration diagnosis and CT scan line for head and neck and 3D reconstruction measuring system were applied to caculate the 3 segments ( nose pharynx, oropharynx, throat pharynx) and the whole period of the cavity, the neck subcutaneous fat volume; The data was analyzed with statistical software SPSS 13.0 data processing. Results The data were compared between the two groups by t -test, the differences in oropharynx and neck subcutaneous space were statistically significant ( P 〈 0. 05 ) ; laryngopharynx and all parapharyngeal spaces were not statistically significant ( P 〉 0.05). Conclusion Among obese group, abnormal fat distribution of head and neck is contacted with OSAHS, overfull fat distribution of oropharynx and neck will increase the risk of developing OSAHS, and fat distribution of other pharynx cavity has nothing to do with the occurrence of OSAHS.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery