
80W和120W绿激光汽化治疗高危良性前列腺增生的疗效及安全性分析 被引量:21

Evaluation of 80-W and 120-W GreenLight laser vaporization for benign prostatic hyperplasia in high-risk patients
摘要 目的:探讨和比较80 W和120 W绿激光汽化治疗高危良性前列腺增生(BPH)的疗效和安全性。方法:将290例确诊为BPH的患者按就诊时间顺序分为两组,220例接受80 W绿激光治疗,70例接受120 W绿激光治疗。记录比较两组患者术前、术后相关临床指标、手术时间及激光激发时间。结果:所有患者手术均获得成功,两组患者的前列腺体积、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、最大尿流率(Qmax)及残余尿(PVR),术前、术后相比有统计学差异(P<0.01),但两组间比较无明显差异(P>0.05)。两组的手术时间分别为(56.5±22.6)min和(45.1±20.4)min,激光激发时间分别为(31.2±10.3)min和(24.6±8.3)min,激光消耗能量分别为(159.8±29.0)kJ和(134.2±23.3)kJ,两组间比较均有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论:绿激光前列腺光汽化术操作简单、疗效满意、出血少、并发症少、手术安全。新一代的高功率绿激光操作更为简单、手术时间短,是治疗高龄高危BPH患者理想的微创手术方法。 Objective: To investigate and compare the effectiveness and safety of 80-W GreenLight laser vaporization and GreenLight high-performance system(HPS) 120-W laser vaporization for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) in high-risk patients.Methods: We allocated 290 high-risk patients with BPH to two groups to receive 80-W(n = 220) and HPS 120-W GreenLight laser vaporization(n = 70).We recorded and compared the pre-,intra-and post-operative clinical data of the two groups.Results: The operations were successful in both of the groups.There were statistically significant differences in the prostate volume,IPSS,Qmax and PVR before and after surgery(P0.01),but not between the two groups(P0.05).The operation time,lasing time and energy consumption were(56.5±22.6) min,(31.2±10.3) min and(159.8±29.0) kJ in the 80-W group,as compared with(45.1±20.4) min,(24.6±8.3) min and(134.2±23.3) kJ in the 120 W group,with significant differences between the two(P0.01).Conclusion: GreenLight laser vaporization of the prostate is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of BPH,and the new HPS 120-W laser therapy,with its advantages of easier operation and shorter surgical time,is an even better minimally invasive option for elderly high-risk patients.
出处 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2012年第5期436-440,共5页 National Journal of Andrology
关键词 良性前列腺增生 绿激光 高危 benign prostatic hyperplasia GreenLight laser high risk
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