

Brilliant Racing Events Start the "Post-Olympic Era"
摘要 奥帆赛是一座虹桥,让青岛走向了更广阔的世界舞台;奥帆赛是一个起点,让青岛这片海域有了更灿烂的光芒——后奥运时代,诸多国际重大帆船赛事的到来,让青岛的海变得越来越夺目。奥帆赛虽然结束了,但青岛仍然在以"帆船"名扬世界的道路上奋勇前行。经过了奥帆赛的洗礼,青岛具备了良好的硬件设施,拥有举办国际赛事经验的组织团队等优势,有能力并因此吸引了诸多国际大型帆船赛事来青岛办赛。青岛多次成功举办了沃尔沃环球帆船赛青岛站活动、克利伯环球帆船赛青岛站活动、国际极限帆船赛系列和城市俱乐部帆船公开赛等国际帆船赛事,并积极申办2013年和2014年世界杯帆船赛亚洲站比赛——青岛,已经成为亚洲地区引入国际帆船赛事最多、赛事类别最为齐全的国际赛事集聚地。浮山湾畔,海面上点点白帆,在湛蓝大海的衬托下,构成一幅浪漫的画卷。打造"帆船之都"是这座充满激情的城市立下的目标,经过多年的不断努力,如今青岛离成为中国乃至世界知名的海上运动教育、科研、竞赛、训练、休闲中心的梦想越来越近。 Through hosting the 2008 Olympic Sailing Competition,Qingdao has accumulated priceless experience in hosting international racing events.In 2005,Qingdao witnessed the Volvo Ocean Race,Clipper Round the World Yacht Race,International Extreme Sailing Competition,and China's City Clubs Regatta(CCOR).Moreover,Qingdao has applied for hosting the Asian leg of the 2013/14 ISAF Sailing World Cup.Consequently,throughout Asia,Qingdao has become a city that has introduced the most international racing events over the whole range.The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race,which is the largest amateur round the world sailing race worldwide,stretches a total distance of 40,000 nautical miles.In February every racing season,the racing fleet arrives in Qingdao Harbor.One Clipper yacht is named 'Qingdao.' One Chinese sailor participates in the entire course of competition and eight Chinese sailors participateinsomeof the racing legs.Between 2005and 2016,six racingseasons will havecome toQingdao,which will make Qingdao the only port worldwide where six consecutive terms of Clipper races stop.The International Extreme Sailing Competition,which is honored as the 'Marine F1,' is one of the four special racing events of the ISAF.The participation of the world-level professional sailors makes the racing event full of challenge and appreciation.In 2011,the first Qingdao leg of competition was held,which attracted attention from many TV stations worldwide.CCOR is a racing event approved by the ISAF.In 2009,it was held in Qingdao for the first time.Subsequently,it has been held in May or June every year.During every racing season,more than 20 high-level sailing teams from home and abroad registered to participate in the race.The ISAF Sailing World Cup is one of the important annual racing events of the ISAF,which is equal to the Olympic level racing events.With a view to popularizing the sailing sport worldwide,the ISAF plans to extend the ISAF Sailing World Cup worldwide from 2013.For the first time,branch legs will be established in Asia,the Middle East and Africa.In December 2011,Qingdao delivered a bidding report to the ISAF.
出处 《走向世界》 2012年第11期20-29,20,共10页 Openings
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