
伊立替康联合顺铂治疗复发晚期小细胞肺癌29例 被引量:3

Curative effect of irinotecan combined with cisplatin treated for recrudescent advanced small cell lung cancer in 29 cases
摘要 目的观察伊立替康(CPT-11)联合顺铂(DDP)治疗复发晚期小细胞肺癌的疗效及安全性。方法选择复发晚期小细胞肺癌患者29例,给予CPT-11 80 mg.m-2,静脉滴注,第1、8天;DDP 75 mg.m-2,静脉滴注,第2天至第5天;28 d为1个周期。化学治疗前常规给予抗呕吐治疗;化学治疗期间给予水化利尿及对症支持治疗。至少2个周期化学治疗后评价疗效。结果 29例中,完全缓解2例(6.9%),部分缓解9例(31.0%),稳定10例(34.5%),病情进展8例(27.6%),总有效率为37.9%。中位生存期7.4个月。主要不良反应:白细胞减少27例(93.1%),血小板减少15例(51.7%),恶心、呕吐19例(65.4%),迟发性腹泻19例(65.4%)。无毒性相关死亡病例。结论 CPT-11联合DDP二线治疗复发晚期小细胞肺癌有效率较高,毒副作用可以耐受。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the irinotecan(CPT-11) combined with cisplatin(DDP) for recrudescent advanced small cell lung cancer(SCLC) patients.Methods 29 patients with recrudescent advanced SCLC were selected.The patients were treated with CPT-11 80 mg·m-2 on the first day and the eighth day by intravenous drip,and cisplatin 75 mg·m-2 from the second day to the fifth day by intravenous drip,a cycle was 28 days.Conventional treatment to against nausea and vomiting was given before chemotherapy;hydration diuresis and supporting therapy were given during the period of chemotherapy.Curative effect was evaluated after chemotherapy at least for two cycles.Results In 29 evaluable patients,response including 2(6.9%) cases were complete remissions and 9(31.0%) cases were partial remission,10(34.5%)patients had stable disease and 8(27.6%) had progressive disease,the total effective rate was 37.9%.The median survival time was 7.4 months.The main toxicity reaction was leucopenia(93.1%),thrombocytopenia(51.7%),nausea and vomiting(65.4%) and tardive diarrhea(65.4%).Non-toxic related death was found in the 29 cases.Conclusion The effective rate of irinotecan combined with cisplatin as second-line therapy treated for recrudescent advanced SCLC is highly active and the toxic reaction can be tolerated.
出处 《新乡医学院学报》 CAS 2012年第5期352-353,356,共3页 Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
关键词 伊立替康 顺铂 小细胞肺癌 irinotecan cisplatin small cell lung cancer
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