
对偶三角瓣易位成形术在轻中度口哨畸形整复中的应用 被引量:2

Application of the symmetric triangular flaps in repair of whistling deformity on mild to moderate red-lip
摘要 目的:寻找一种简单有效的修复红唇口哨畸形的方法。方法:采用红唇缺损中央两侧对偶三角瓣易位转移修复口哨畸形,设计时尽量在红唇湿区设计切口。结果:6例轻中度红唇口哨畸形经过上述方法手术后,缺损得以修复,红唇丰满,外形满意,切口瘢痕不显。结论:对偶三角瓣易位成形术是纠正轻中度红唇口哨畸形的理想方法。 Objective To explore a simple and effective reparative operation on lip whistle deformity. Methods According to both sides of the central defect of upper lip vermilion,whistle deformity was repaired by interchanging the position of the symmetric triangular flaps. Results All six pations of mild to moderate red-lipped whistle deformity achieved satisfactory repair,and all wounds healed well. Conclusion The design of the methed is rational and simple, the opearution is easy,an ideal methed for lip whistle deformity repair.
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2012年第6期930-931,共2页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
关键词 对偶三角瓣 口哨畸形 修复 symmetric triangular flaps whistling deformity repair
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