
野外露头砾石圆度测量方法的探究——以巢湖二叠系栖霞组为例 被引量:5

An Approach to Get Gravel Roundness Data on Field Outcrops:Taking Permian Qixia Formation in Chaohu,Anhui Province as an example
摘要 形状是所有物体包括砾石的基本属性,而圆度作为形状的三要素之一,能够反映砾石的搬运历史,从它被提出以来一直受到沉积学研究者的关注。但是对于野外露头剖面中砾石圆度的确定,在方法学上长期以来并没有明显的进展。以巢湖二叠系栖霞组臭灰岩段发育的砾石为例,通过野外获取数字图像并结合室内计算机软件处理,尝试如何比较准确的获得野外露头上砾石圆度数据,该方法不仅很好的提高了工作效率,而且也能够获得由于野外地形原因不可直接测量的砾石的圆度。另外,我们将这种思路进一步扩展,运用于砾石和基质相对含量的求解中。因此,我们的工作为砾石圆度的定量研究提供一种新的方法和思路。 Shape is the fundamental property of all objects,including sedimentary gravels.As one of the three elements of the shape,roundness of gravels can reflect their transportation history.Since it was brought up,researchers have paid close attention to it.However,the methods of defining gravel roundness in the field haven't made obvious progress.On one hand,the sedimentologists have not paid enough attention to the field outcrops,which causes the phenomenon that those methods are almost for three-dimensional gravels and have no effect on the field outcrops,though there are various kinds of quantitative methods to work on gravel roundness.In the past,the terms to describe the roundness of gravel in the field are merely well rounded,rounded,subrounded,subangular,angular and very angular and some other qualitative descriptions.Furthermore,comparing the observed outlines of the gravels with visual comparator is also a way to describe the roundness which is confined in describing between qualitative and semi-quantitative.On the other hand,quantifying the roundness of gravels in the field is quite difficult,for many outcrops can't be measured directly because of the topography,and the measuring is time-consuming and field time is always limited.To get quantitative data of roundness of gravels,this paper proposes a new method,taking Permian Qixia Formation in Chaohu,Anhui Province for example.First,we take photos of conglomerates on field outcrops with a digital camera,and then deal these digital images with a variety of related computer software.The main steps including: determine the boundary between gravel and matrix,then outline the gravel;drawing the maximum inscribed circle of the contours and the inside circles of the corners on the counters,then obtaining the radius of curvature of the circles;putting the radius into the Wadell's(1932) formula and then we can know the value of roundness of the gravel.This method makes it possible to obtain the quantitative data of the roundness of gravel,which is more operable and efficient.What's more,we also use it to deal with the percentage composition of gravel and matrix.Therefore,our work not only provides new quantitative research methods and ideas for the roundness of gravel,but also is of significant meaning for describing the geometry characteristics of gravel.However,there are still many things for us to improve.For example,when we outline the gravels and determine the round corners,some subjective factors will be inevitably brought in.In this part,we need to do some new attempts,such as distinguishing boundary between gravel and matrix and obtaining more accurate corners radius using some sorts of graphical analysis software such as Arcgis.
出处 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期522-529,共8页 Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
基金 合肥工业大学大学生创新基金(2010-2011) 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41172097)资助
关键词 砾石圆度 野外露头 测量方法 gravel roundness field outcrops measurement
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