
云南拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴交配行为和出生季节 被引量:6

Mating behavior and birth seasonality of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) at Mt.Lasha
摘要 灵长类的交配模式对于了解和掌握雄性的交配策略和社群的稳定机制非常重要, 但是目前有关亚洲灵长类交配模式的数据较少;因此,该研究于2011年1-12月, 分别采用全事件取样法和焦点动物?瞬时扫描取样法收集了拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴群的交配行为和出生数据。猴群全年交配, 有2个峰期,-个是繁殖交配高峰期(8-10月); 另一个在出生季节, 但其非繁殖交配的生物学意义尚不清楚。雌性通过俯卧/注视雄性或跳落邀配。爬跨射精比为8.8, 射精交配稀少(11.4%), 这说明雄性并非每次交配都射精, 因而支持黑白仰鼻猴交配模式的主体为多次爬跨射精或处于从单次爬跨射精到多次爬跨射精连续谱上段的观点。雄性邀配的射精爬跨多于雌性, 说明多次爬跨射精不仅是雄性的一个交配策略, 而且可以决定交配模式在连续谱的位置。交配时间后延6~7个月, 交配频次与婴猴出生率相关。拉沙山猴群出生模式为严格的季节性, 这进一步证实了前人的观点。婴猴出生具有一定的同步性, 且不同猴群婴猴出生的同步模式不同。 Copulation patterns are important to understanding male mating strategies and stabilization strategies of social organizations in primates. However, information on copulation patterns of Asian primates is relatively rare. This study was undertaken to collect data on mating behavior and birth seasonality of Black-and-white Snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) using all occurrence sampling and Focal animal-scan sampling methods at Mt. Lasha, between January and December, 2011. Our study focused on observing mating frequency and birth rates. Snub-nosed monkeys mate year round, with two observable peaks: one reproductive peak during the mating season, roughly from August to October, and a second non-breeding peak during the birth season. It is unclear what biological significance this non-reproductive mating peak has. During our observation, we noted a lower ratio of mount to ejaculation and rare ejaculatory copulations, which indicated that every mating would not result in ejaculation. This study corroborates the previous view that the Rhinopithecus bieti’s copulatory pattern is likely multiple-mount ejaculation (MME) or at the upper part of mating continuum of single-mount ejaculation (SME) toward MME. More ejaculatory copulations initiated by males than females indicate that MME is not only a mating strategy of males, but that males can influence the position of their copulatory pattern on the continuum between SME and MME. The mating frequencies significantly correlated with the birth rates with a delay of 6 to 7 months. Monkeys gave birth within a strict seasonality with a birth peak of March, which confirms the previous view. Infants were born with a certain degree of synchronization, but different populations displayed different modes of synchronizations.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期241-248,共8页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金(31160422 30960084 30960085) 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室(ZK09A313) 云南省重点学科野生动植物保护与利用(XKZ200904) 大理学院青年教师科研基金项目(KYQN201123)
关键词 黑白仰鼻猴 交配模式 交配行为 出生季节 Rhinopithecus bieti Copulatory pattern Mating behavior Birth seasonality
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