OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic efficacy of the seventh edition tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) classification compared with the sixth edition in gastric cancer patients. METHODS: A total of 360 gastric cancer patients undergoing surgical resection who had complete clinical and pathological records were staged using the sixth and seventh edition staging systems. Survival curves were analyzed for the 5 year survival rate according to staging based on the TNM sixth and seventh editions. RESULTS: The overall 5-year survival rate of all patients were 61.8% and the median overall survival was 64.4 months (95%Ch 60.6--68.2). The 5-year survival rate of stage Ⅰ , Ⅱ , Ⅲ according seventh edition were 95.4% ,80.1% and 37.4% respectively; 81.9% and 78.9% for the stage Ⅱ A and stage Ⅱ B respectively; 59.3%, 46.1% and 11.7 % for the Ⅲ A, Ⅲ B, Ⅲ C respectively. The difference between the subgroup of stage Ⅲ was more abvious in the seventh editions (P=0. 000). CONCLUSIONS.. The TNM seventh edition pay more attention to tumor invasion depth and the number of metastastic lymph nodes which were associated with the prognosis. So, the adjustment of seventh edition has more accurate prognosis. We can use TNM seventh edition to quantify the risk of recurrence and guide the individualized therapy.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
neoplasm stage
stomach neoplasms