

Transformation of Western Aesthetic Attitude and Criticism Criterion since the 18th Century
摘要 在人类的历史发展中,审美取向的变化常常导致艺术批评标准的相应改变。康德、格林伯格都认为美是客观的,美的内涵是纯净、有秩序、高尚的;而格朗基美学却将庸俗、丑陋等也归于美的范畴。当代审美批评取向正不断从单向度走向宽容、求异、繁复多元的格局。这一变化,是人类自我意识形态从无意识到有意识,到当代多元文化发展对有意识、无意识的形态在更高层次上对人类自我意识发展的复归,也是创造更加生动、多样同时又符合人类意识发展更高水平的新的艺术形式的辩证过程。人类审美取向与艺术批评标准之所以嬗变,是因为美并不是一种客观存在,而更多地存在于人类主观的美感之中,美的实质是人们主观的审美判断。人类对于美的统摄力,这种富有自我确认、体现人身自由意义的审美意识,对人类的生活、行为和态度,必将继续发挥其重要的影响。 Throughout human history,transformation of aesthetic attitude always led to changes in art criticism criterion.To Kant and Greenberg,beauty means purity,order,and nobility.However,Grunge aesthetic in 1990s began to include things kitsch and ugly into the category of beauty.Past unilateral aesthetic criticism has been becoming more and more contemporary,multifarious,and comprehensive.Onone hand,such transformation displays the evolvement of human consciousness which underwent from unconsciousness to consciousness and then to an advanced development of unconsciousness and conscious-ness in a whole new and contemporary cultural context.On the other hand,such transformation is also a dialectic process of creating new art forms conforming to continually advancing consciousness.Why do human aesthetic attitudes change with time? Since beauty is not an objective thing,but it is an aesthetic feeling,so it is rather subjective.The truth of beauty lies in people's aesthetic judgment.Aesthetic consciousness,which guides people to find themselves,and it embodies freedom and life meaning,will continue to greatly impact people's daily life,behavior and attitude.
作者 楚小庆
出处 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 CSSCI 2011年第4期80-90,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art
基金 国家"985工程"三期"艺术与创意产业研究"哲学社会科学创新研究基地项目 国家"985工程"三期"跨文化与全球化研究"重大项目阶段性成果 国家"211工程"三期"艺术学理论创新与应用研究"重大项目阶段性成果之一
关键词 艺术创作 审美取向 艺术作品 艺术批评标准 多元化 artistic creation aesthetic attitude artwork art criticism criterion multiple
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