
镍箔恒温自沉积总α、总β计数法同时或连续测定样品中^(210)Pb、^(210)Bi、^(210)Po 被引量:5

The Determination of ^(210)Pb,^(210)Bi,^(210)Po by Counting Gross α and Gross β Rate of Spontaneous Deposited Samples on Ni Foil
摘要 研究了210Bi、210Po同时恒温自沉积于镍箔的最佳制源环境,建立了岩石、土壤以及水体样品中210 Pb、210 Bi、210 Po同时或连续测定的方法——镍箔恒温自沉积总α、总β计数法。试验发现,当镍镀片面积为3.14cm2,盐酸浓度为1.0mol/L,溶液体积为25mL,恒温90℃,振荡频率180次/min,振幅20mm,制源60min,210Bi和210Po可同步定量自沉积。210 Po加入量与总α净计数率相关系数为0.9998,210Bi加入量与总β净计数率相关系数为0.9997。放置衰变法可以消除Bi和Po其它短寿命放射性同位素对测量产生的影响,盐酸肼及酒石酸存在时大量共存离子不干扰测定。方法的精密度优于5%,全程加标回收率在99.5%~100.5%。 The optimum spontaneous deposition conditions of ^210Bi and ^210Po on Ni foil is studied in this paper, and a simultaneous or continuous testing method of ^210 Pb, ^210 Bi, ^210 Po in samples by counting gross α and gross β rate of spontaneous deposited samples on Ni foil is set up. The research results show that under the conditions of the Ni foil area being 3.14 cm^2, the concentration of HC1 being 1.0 mol/L, the volume of HCI being 25 mL, the constant experiment temnerature being 90℃ . the vihration frequencybeing 180/min, the vibration amplitude being 20mm and the spontaneous deposition time being 60 min, ^210 Bi and ^210 Po on Ni foil can be simultaneously and quantitatively deposited. The linear correlation coefficient between ^210po activity and its α-counting rate is 0. 9998, ^210 Bi activity and itsβ-counting rate is 0. 9997. The effects of ^210Bi and ^210 Po short half-time radioisotopes on testing will decrease while standing the Ni foil for a certain length of time before measuring, in ease of hydrazine hydrochloride and tartaric add presence, lots of coexisting elements do not produce interference to testing. Degree of precision of this testing technology is higher than 5%, total recovery rate reaches 99.5%-100.5%.
出处 《铀矿地质》 CAS CSCD 2012年第3期165-172,180,共9页 Uranium Geology
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