
超声对华支睾吸虫感染所致胆道梗阻的诊断价值 被引量:6

Value of Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Biliary Tract Obstruction Caused by Clonorchiasis Sinensis
摘要 目的探讨华支睾吸虫感染所致胆道梗阻的超声影像特点及其诊断价值。资料与方法回顾性分析43例华支睾吸虫感染患者的胆道梗阻声像图表现,并与胆总管病变引起的胆道梗阻作比较。结果 43例华支睾吸虫感染所致胆道梗阻患者均表现为肝内胆管轻至中度扩张,以次级胆管明显,胆管壁增厚,回声增强,胆囊肿大,胆总管轻度扩张,扩张程度与肝内胆管不成正比。胆总管病变引起的胆道梗阻其肝内胆管扩张程度与胆总管成正比。结论华支睾吸虫感染所致胆道梗阻超声表现具有特征性,超声可作为该病的有效诊断方法。 Purpose To investigate the image characteristics and the diagnostic value of ultrasound in biliary tract obstruction caused by clonorchiasis sinensis. Materials and Methods Ultrasonography features of 43 patients with biliary tract obstruction caused by clonorchiasis sinensis were analyzed and compared with those of the biliary obstruction caused by other common bile duct (CBD) affections. Results The intrahepatic bile ducts showed light-to-moderate expansion in all 43 patients with clonorchiasis sinensis, which was more significant in secondary bile ducts. Other changes like gallbladder wall thicken, echo enhancement, gallbladder enlargement and mild CBD dilatation were also observed. The expansion of CBD dilatation caused by clonorchiasis sinensis rather than CBD affections was not linearly related to the expansion of intrahepatic bile ducts. Conclusion Ultrasonic image features of biliary tract obstruction caused by clonorchiasis sinensis have certain characteristics. It is a favorable method for the diagnosis.
出处 《中国医学影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期376-377,381,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 超声检查 多普勒 彩色 胆汁淤积 华支睾吸虫病 Ultrasonography Doppler color Cholestasis Clonorchiasis
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