
±1100kV/5000A特高压直流输电换流阀非周期触发试验仿真研究与试验验证 被引量:4

Study and Test Verification on Non-periodic Firing Test for ±1100 kV/5000 A UHVDC Thyristor Valve
摘要 换流阀是直流输电工程中的核心设备,除电气设计及结构设计均比较复杂外,电器元件的选择也是核心工作,随着大功率电力电子器件的飞速发展,其技术的先进性和运行的可靠性也得到了大幅度提升,6英寸晶闸管现已在特高压直流输电换流阀上得到了普遍使用。换流阀在挂网运行之前需要对其进行绝缘型式试验,绝缘型式试验是对换流阀的绝缘性能进行全面的考核,文中将对±1 100 kV直流输电换流阀绝缘型式试验中的非周期触发试验进行研究,非周期触发试验是对换流阀考核最为严格和全面的一项试验,旨在考核换流阀在操作冲击电压下通过冲击电流的能力,同时也考核了VCM对换流阀晶闸管器件开通和关断的控制及保护能力。笔者利用PSCAD仿真软件对±1 100 kV换流阀的非周期触发试验进行了仿真分析,分析结果可知,给单阀施加规定的操作冲击电压574.4 kV时,单阀通过冲击电流的能力约为6 045 A,并得到试验验证。 Besides electrical and mechanical design for thyristor valve, one of the key equipments for high voltage DC power transmission project, choose of electrical components is also an important work. With the development of high power electronic devices,techniques and stability of the electrical components have been substantially improved and thyristors of 6 inches have been commonly used in thyristor valves for ultra high voltage DC power transmission projects. Before put into operation,dielectric type test on thyrisotr valve should be done to verify dielectric performance of thyristor valve. This paper is a study on non-periodic firing test which is included in dielectric type test on ±1 100 kV UHVDC thyrisotr valve. Non-periodic firing test is the most severe test on thyristor valve,whose purpose is to verify if valve can withstand impulse current on switching impulse voltage, and to test if VCM can properly protect thyristors during turn-on and turn-off.The writer studies on the non-periodic firing test for ±1 100 kV thyristor valve with PSCAD stimulation software,which shows that single valve can stand impulse current of about 6 045 A when required switching impulse voltage of 574.4 kV is applied on single valve.
出处 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期34-37,共4页 High Voltage Apparatus
关键词 特高压直流输电 换流阀 VCM PSCAD 操作冲击 冲击电流 ultra high voltage DC power transmission thyrisotr valve VCM PSCAD switching impulse impulse current
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