
贵州省森林碳汇及潜力分析 被引量:4

Forest carbon sink and potentials analysis in Guizhou province
摘要 区域层面的森林碳汇估算研究有利于为整体层面持续固碳增汇的森林经营提供科学参考,评估森林碳汇对减少区域内碳排放的贡献。采用温室气体清单估算法,对2000、2005和2010年贵州省森林碳汇进行估算,分别为1 538.0万t、2 244.7万t、2 431.4万t CO2当量,呈稳定增长趋势,占全省碳排放量的10.32%~14.47%。贵州省尚有161.70万hm2宜林地,如果能用于发展碳汇林业,每年可吸收CO2237.9万t,30年内将吸收CO2达7137.0万t。贵州省正处于碳排放增长阶段,相对于森林碳汇而言,本区域碳减排工作任重道远,森林碳汇能力有很大的提升空间。 Forest carbon sink estimation research at regional level provided scientific reference for sustaining forest management based on carbon sequestration increase in general and is beneficial to the estimation on contribution of forest carbon sink to reduction of carbon emission in the area. The greenhouse gas inventory estimation method was used to estimate the forest carbon sink of Guizhou province in' years of 2000, 2005 and 2010. The forest carbon sink of Guizhou province was increased to 22,447, 000, 24,314,000 tons (CO2e) from 15,380, 000, showed a steady rising tendency and accounted for 10.32%-14.4% of carbon emission of the whole province. There are 1,617,000 hm2 of land suitable for forest in Guizhou province, and if all the land is used for developing carbon sink foreslry, 2,379, 000 tons of CO2 will be absorbed every year, and 71,370,000 tons of CO2 will be absorbed within 30 years. Guizhou province is in the increasing stage of carbon emission; and for forest carbon sink, the task of carbon emission reduction of Guizhou province still has a long wayto go, and forest carbon capability can be improved to a large extent.
出处 《辽宁林业科技》 2012年第3期12-15,共4页 Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology
基金 贵州省优秀科技教育人才省长专项资金项目(黔省专合字[2008]04号)
关键词 森林碳汇 温室气体清单估算法 固碳增汇 减排潜力 forest carbon sink greenhouse gas inventory estimation method carbon sequeslration increase potentials in emission reduction
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