
基于博弈视角的企业核心人力资源保留研究 被引量:1

A study of Core Human Resource Retaining Based on Game Theory
摘要 核心人力资源是企业获得长期成长和核心竞争力的重要源泉,实现核心人力资源的保留和发展对企业人力资源管理而言是至关重要的工作。本文以博弈理论为分析工具,分别从人力资源市场和企业内部资源配置两个层面来分析核心人力资源的供需结构以及供需双方的博弈策略,并针对飞行员这一核心人力资源进行分析。 Retaining Core Human Resource (CHR) is one of the vital roles in Human Resource (HR) management, and CHR is one of the most important resources for business growing and competence lifting. Acted as the supplier and the demander, or the two sides of the game played between CHR and companies we find that with only economic payoff available there is no dominant strategy existing for companies' (employers) side. This result can be inferred from the cases of airlines and its pilots as well. Therefore, we conclude that it is impossible to retaining the talents only by increasing the total payment. Besides economic benefit, it is necessary for employers to diversify the ways of retention in order to retaining the CHR.
作者 刘成
出处 《中国民航飞行学院学报》 2012年第4期46-50,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation Flight University of China
关键词 核心人力资源 保留 博弈 决策 Core human resource Retaining Game Decision
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