
教育消费者选择制度对高等教育供给影响的经济学分析——基于生产消费理论的视角 被引量:3

The Economic Research on How the Choice System of Educational Consumers Affects the Supply of High Education Service in China——From the View of the Produce-consumer Theory
摘要 近年来,虽然我国高等教育取得了快速发展,但是我国高等教育服务供给仍存在比较突出的问题。本文以生产-消费为视角对我国高等教育服务供给中的教育消费者选择制度进行了研究,发现,教育消费者对高等教育消费存在着选择空间,但是教育消费者的选择是失灵的,这种失灵对我国高等教育的有效供给产生了重要的影响。据此,本文提出了完善我国教育消费者选择制度的建议。 In recent years, although higher education has made great progress in our country, there are still serious problems in its supply. This article analyzes the educational consumer choice system of our country in the supply of higher education from the view of the produce--consumer theory, finding that there is space for educational consumers to make their choice, but the choice is out of operation, which seriously affects the high education supply. In the end, this article gives some advice to improve the educational consumer choice system.
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期83-88,共6页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"政事分开与事业单位管理体制分类改革研究--兼以教育与卫生领域为例"(06BZZ031)
关键词 教育消费 选择制度 高等教育供给 consumers choice system supply of high education service
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