
论哈贝马斯的程序主义法正当性学说 被引量:4

Habermas' Proceduralist Theory of the Legitimacy of Law
摘要 法的正当性问题是法学和实践哲学思想史中历久不衰的理论难题,当代学者哈贝马斯的程序主义法正当性学说针对该问题的探讨则另辟蹊径。通过"商谈规则"、"理想商谈情景"、"论辩原则"等理论设计,哈贝马斯试图以一种程序主义的途径对法正当性与道德的古典联系进行保护。在价值多元的当代社会,该理论的贡献主要表现在开放民主、超越独断论误区、逻辑自洽、坚守实践理性的规范内核等方面。哈贝马斯程序主义法正当性学说存在的问题在于:作为核心设计的"论辩原则"难以充分发挥哈贝马斯试图赋予它的功能。因此,有必要回归康德实践哲学中有关"定言律令"的学说,以便使商谈程序获得更有效的理性预设。 The legitimacy of law is a perennial theme in legal philosophy and practical philosophy. Habermas' proce- duralist theory of the legitimacy of law represents a new attempt to solve the problem of legitimacy. By such theoretical de- signs as "rules of discourse", "ideal speech situation" and "discourse principle", Habermas aims to protect the classical relation between the legitimacy of law and morals in a proceduralist way. In the modem age of value pluralism, his theory not only has advantages of logic and democracy but has protected the normative core of practical reason and has overcome the dogmatism on this subject. At the same time, there is a problem that should not be ignored in his theory. As the funda- mental design of proceduralist theory, "discourse principle" has difficulty in fulfilling its duty as Habermas expected. It is necessary to go back to Kant' s "categorical imperative" at this point to seek better rational postulates for procedures of dis- cussion and negotiation.
作者 陈征楠
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期117-124,共8页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目"对法正当性问题的道德思考"(x2fxD2118820)
关键词 哈贝马斯 程序主义 法正当性 道德 Habermas, proceduralism, the legitimacy of Law, morals
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