食品包装用纸卫生与否 ,直接关系到被包装食品的卫生质量和安全 .鉴于此 ,对新乡市60家糖果、糕点、冰糕店及街头食品摊点所使用包装用纸进行了抽样调查 .结果显示 ,目前市面上食品包装用纸的卫生合格率仅为 72 .7% ,且部分食品包装用纸中铅、砷以及大肠菌群等含量均存在严重问题 ,需引起有关方面的重视 .
The hygienic condition of food wrapping paper directly concerns the quality and safety of the wrapped food.Thus,a sample investigation was made on the wrapping paper of 60 candy,pastry and ice cream shops and that of food stalls of Xinxiang city.The result shows that the hygienic qualification rate of the food wrapping paper on the present market is only 72.7%.Furthermore,the contents of lead,arsenic and Bacterium coli are rather high.This should be taken seriously by the parties concerned.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry(Natural Science)