
文化遗产旅游解说与翻译:评述与启示 被引量:15

Cultural Heritage Tourism Interpretation and Translation:Comments and Implications
摘要 文化独特性是文化遗产型景区的核心吸引力,了解和欣赏异质文化遗产是文化旅游者的主要动机,解说翻译是跨文化遗产旅游的桥梁。由于国内旅游规划对文化遗产旅游解说特点研究不够,景区管理者对双语解说信息创作对象不了解,导致文化遗产解说与翻译的质量影响了跨文化遗产旅游的解说教育效果,错过了通过文化遗产旅游平台对外宣传中华文化的良好机会。综述了旅游解说的概念、内涵以及有效解说和信息创作的原则,在总结文化遗产旅游特点的基础上,提出了文化遗产型景区英文解说翻译应针对国际旅游者特点的信息再创造的观点。建议文化遗产旅游景区制定针对国际旅游者消费特点的双语解说规划;旅游规划和翻译学术界应重视旅游双语解说规划和翻译的研究;翻译者在具备双语、双文化翻译能力的同时,还应该了解旅游解说和信息创作的跨学科知识。 Uniqueness of culture is the central attraction of cultural heritage tourism sites. To understand and appreciate different cultures are the major motives of cultural heritage tourists. Bilingual interpretation system is the bridge to link the meaning of the visited sites with the visitors of different cultural backgrounds. However, lack of understanding of the principles of effective interpretation and the poor interpretive text translation quality are the major barriers to the cross-cultural communications on the heritage sites. This paper reviews the core concepts and principles of effective interpretation and effective message in cultural heritage tourism planning and summarizes the characteristics of cultural heritage tourism. The paper concludes that cultural heritage tourism text translation is in reality a re-creation of message with regards to the cultural background and comprehensive abilities of international visitors. The paper suggests that: 1 ) More academic efforts should be inserted by both tourism and translation re- searches on bilingual cultural heritage tourism interpretation; 2) Cultural heritage tourism planners should tailor the English interpretive texts according to the principles of effective interpretation and effective interpretive message cre- ation; 3 ) Translators should not only be competent linguistically and culturally in translation, they must also under- stand the characteristics and principles of effective cultural heritage tourism interpretation and message re-creation.
作者 乌永志
出处 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期93-97,共5页 Areal Research and Development
基金 陕西省科技厅软科学项目(2010KRM102)
关键词 文化遗产旅游 解说原则 信息创作 翻译 cultural heritage tourism principles of effective interpretation message creation translation
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