
飞秒光丝中等离子体密度时间演化特征 被引量:8

Temporal evolution of plasma density in femtosecond light filaments
摘要 采用能够较为清晰、完整描述强飞秒激光等离子体通道内带电粒子产生过程及其演化的物理模型,进一步研究了飞秒光丝中等离子体密度的时间演化特征。计算结果表明:对于不同时间线型的脉冲,在等离子体通道形成过程中,氧气分子的电离贡献率及氮气分子的贡献率明显不同,不同线型的脉冲对高效维持高密度等离子体的寿命具有较大的影响。有效控制成丝脉冲线型能够达到对等离子体通道的高效利用。长脉冲、短波长虽能够获得较高密度等离子体通道,但其存活寿命却完全受限于通道的后期演化。 By using a legible and comprehensive physical model describing the generation and evolvement of ion densities in the plasma channel induced by intense femtosecond laser pulse,the work studied the temporal evolution of the plasma densities in femtosecond light filaments.It shows that the contribution of the ionization of oxygen and nitrogen molecules to the total electron densities varies much for different laser pulse shapes,and the pulse shapes have more effects on the lifetime of the higher density plasma.It is necessary to control the pulse shape for efficient using of the plasma channel.Pulses of long duration and short wavelength can obtain a plasma channel with higher electron density,but the channel lifetime thoroughly depends on the later evolution of the self-guided channel.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1024-1028,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家高技术发展计划项目
关键词 飞秒激光成丝 等离子体通道 电子密度 寿命 filamentation of femtosecond laser pulse plasma channel electron density lifetime
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